Angel numbers defined:
111- You're on the right path to abundance, alignment, and creating your dream reality. You're manifesting things with ease.
222- Trust that you are on the right path. Stay focused on the things you want in your life, rather than what you don't want.
333- The Universe is working with you on making your dreams a reality. Believe in yourself and trust your intuition.
444- You are being guided and supported through whatever you're focusing on at the moment. Keep going.
555- A quantum leap is ahead. Embrace yourself for massive shifts. Be open to new opportunities in all areas of your life.
777- You're in the frequency go manifesting your dreams. Good things are coming your way. Let it flow your way!
888- Financial abundance is on its way to you. The Universe is letting you know you're successful.
Product Details:
♡ stainless steel
♡ gold or silver
♡ 18 inches